During a Healing Energy Transmission, Niamh channels high frequency energy directly to your physical body and energetic field, finely sensing and honing in on specific areas where stagnation has occurred or impressions are left, and shifting it from the body. As the session progresses she is guided to move from one area to the next as the body continues to reveal subtler upon subtler congested points and pathways.

These energetic pathways feed into and traverse through your organs, and bodily systems and so restoring the free flow of energy can massively revitalise and replenish physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Healing Energy Transmissions are a wonderful maintenance tool that can keep you operating optimally, particularly in times where life becomes stressful, demanding or challenging.

Some come to work on a particular issue they feel is stored within the body, and while these impressions can be removed what Niamh has found is that in many instances, a person recreates the same energetic blockages, time and time again as their life moves on, because the mental and emotional patterns behind them are not being addressed. Niamh’s sessions include a reading on the energetic mapping of the body where insights will be given on areas of life needed to be tended to and/or underlying beliefs that keep you stuck in repetitive cycles, to bring awareness to, and aid in the prevention of these self-recreated blockages.

Your body is naturally intuitive and will only receive, and release the amount you are both willing, and able to receive and release at that time. Think of an onion, inside an onion. These are the layers of accumulated impressions and beliefs that are creating these blockages. You will receive benefit from one session, however multiple sessions will work deeper into these layers and you will experience even greater release and relief.

The experience of a transmission varies from person to person with some being very much able to sense what part of the body is being worked on, others experience heightened visuals, some receive downloads or messages from spirit guides, while some simply feel relaxed and may even fall asleep. This is due to individual sensitivity and has no bearing on the amount of energy received. With time, most peoples sensitivity increases as they clear the body.

Niamh Devine aka Mythological Goddess Healing Energy Transmission



  • Relieve stress, anxiety and depression

  • Improves focus and concentration

  • Alleviates sleep issues

  • Initiates the body’s self-healing ability

  • Eases aches and pains

  • Relaxes and releases tension from the body

  • Removes energetic blocks

  • Balances the mind, body, and spirit


A 55 minute Healing Energy Transmission Session entails:

  • Check-In highlighting areas you might like to focus on

  • A brief Grounding Meditation

  • Activation of Central Energetic Channel using Breath

  • Niamh Connects to your Energetic Body Remotely Restoring Free-Flow of Energy

  • A Reading on Energetic Map of Body

  • Read introduction above for more

Niamh Devine aka Mythological Goddess Healing Energy Transmission


Your body is naturally intuitive and will only release the amount you are both willing, and able to release at that time. After each session, a few days is needed to allow the natural process of re-balancing and integration of higher frequencies to occur. Working over a period of sessions, in a successive timeframe, allows access to deeper and deeper layers of the subtle energetic bodies.

4 Weekly/ Bi-Weekly Sessions are recommended.

Option for 1 session or a package of 4 Sessions Available. Typically more than one session is advised, depending on your needs.


Sessions are 1:1 with Niamh and are conducted online via Zoom.

Hear from those who’ve experienced Niamhs’ Energy Transmissions…

  • “Extremely beneficial healing energy sessions. Thank you so much they are helping me to unload a lot of blockages so that I can move forward with my life in the right direction” - Gemma

  • “The energy flowed into parts of my body where I needed healing and in the same time I felt that chains around my body were destroyed and I was free of past impediments, free to live my real soul. I had to cry heavily and afterwards I felt much better and lighter.” - Tanya, UK

  • “Wow this is beyond powerful. I just had the most profound downloads during this transmission and could feel my guides and angels surrounding me. So beautiful. Thank you Niamh” - Justine

  • “Outstanding! I could feel the healing energy as it filled my chakras, particularly my root, sacral, and solar plexus - exactly where I needed” - Heather

  • “That was the strongest energy transmission I have ever received” - Shanel

  • “This was so healing and brought me so much peace. I was overwhelmed with emotions of love, support and guidance” - Jo

  • “Big release and acceptance of bone and blood, the gift of life and all it's lessons. Thank you” - Karthika, UAE

  • “My throat chakra was blocked. Once it was cleared I felt a FLOOD into my heart.” - Jacqui, USA

  • “Beautiful. I really felt my chakras open up and receive. The energy is beautifully intense and magical” - Ron

  • “Oh wow. That was amazing. So much energy received and healing happiness!!” - Jennifer

  • “As always, I feel a strong connection to my spiritual guides as you take me on this path. Beautiful energy.” - Marta

  • “Beautiful healing. I felt my body pulsating especially my injured shoulder” - Carol

  • Beautiful, felt the incredible healing revitalizing energy” - Nic

  • “I felt the energy like a strong current running through my body. Felt amazing!” - Maureen, Canada

  • “This was very beautiful and peaceful. The energy felt very soothing, but powerful” - Jennifer

  • “Powerful, the intensity caught me a little by surprise!”- April

  • “I felt so sheltered and embraced. I saw purple...it felt so calming and reassuringly energising.”- Meenakshi

  • “Very calming and soothing experience. I was able to connect with myself in a much different and positive way. Thank you for such a great healing experience!” Sabrina, Singapore

  • “Expanded my heart’s resonance. Immersion in white light gently strengthened and clarified my biofield.” - Shana, USA

  • “Transformed me. I found a love and light shining in my root, extending above my head.” - Linda, USA

  • “It was as if I was there in person.” - Kat, Canada.

  • “Serenity in it's purest form. Bliss on a cloud.” - Anne

  • “Phew! Experiencing a relief from my headache! Thank you so so much🙏 Bless you🙏 ✨” - MaryAlice

  • “Thank you so much! I feel healed emotionally mentally and physically!” - Angela, Australia

  • “This opened the gates to receive energy and abundance. I am physically healing at the moment and this certainly has speeded up the process. Many thanks.” - Kellie, USA

  • “Amazing! Felt like I melted into the bed so deeply moving and relaxing.” - Martin, UK

  • “Wow. Amazing healing and downloads during this” - Katie, USA

  • “Awesomely good! So full of energy and focus.” - Catharine, Australia

  • “I could feel a lighter sensation in certain areas that hold more pain!” - David, USA

  • “Just what I needed to replenish myself and to heal” - Elizabeth.

Niamh Devine aka Mythological Goddess Healing Energy Transmission

Experience Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Renewal