You are a product of what you believe to be true, but your truth is ever evolving.


What truths do you hold that are limiting the experience of the fullness of life?



What can you not accept or move beyond?

What do you believe has to change before you can become happy?

Do you feel like something is missing, or not yet reached or achieved?

What are you struggling with in this life?

Where is not easeful in life?

You are the creator of your reality. Everything you have drawn towards you, are a part of, or in connection with is there because it resonates with your innermost self.

Like attracts like. And you might not like exactly what you are creating or drawing in. But it’s there for you to see something.

Unchecked beliefs, unobserved thought patterns, hidden truths within you build the life around you and attract certain experiences towards you. Your deepest self wishes for your highest expression in this lifetime, but there are some pesky bumps, roadblocks, detours or even total course corrections along the way. It is easy to view these negatively and ask ‘why me? or even sometimes ‘why now?’. What if we changed that question, and asked ‘what am I not seeing?’.

Maybe you’re not where you want to be in life, maybe you haven’t asked for what’s on your doorstep but it’s there nevertheless, maybe something is missing but you can’t quite put your finger on it, maybe your cycling through the same kinds of drama in relationships, fears in your life or maybe you experience the same bodily ills and woes. Whatever it may be it does not allow your mind and inner sanctum to rest easy and something within you wants to fix it, or change it, so things can be how you wish them to be.

There is no other personal development program quite like your own life and the obstacles you are given to navigate. There’s usually a gift within the turmoil. Some part of you that wishes to be born into light and action, and to untangle yourself from something you once held to be true. You see whatever discomfort (and that might be putting it mildly), you are experiencing in life is there FOR you - if you choose to see it that way - to find the gift in the shadow. And once you find what you’re not seeing, your life no longer needs to act it out. You graduate from that lesson. In essence you up-level. This is an inside job.


Niamh Devine aka Mythological Goddess Mentoring

Niamh has an uncanny ability to make the complex simple, and to go straight to the root in a compassionate and gentle manner. Her way of approaching difficulties in life is unique and offers a way to work with what is, rather than oppose reality, lending to quicker assimilation of life’s events and forward-moving progress to the place in which you desire to be, both within and outside of yourself in life. 

Niamh listens. She gathers information with her ears, eyes, heart, body and felt intuition and is able to sense into the hidden and energetic levels of life, and most often her responses are immediate and accurate.

Her mind works in an innovative and peculiar way and is able to spot the perspectives that are out of your view. These perspectives can be equally true to your scenario. Once accepted and integrated, this new perspective can have such a dramatic effect on your physical life force, the way you show up in the world and how the world reflects back to you.

A lover of science and the mystical, of knowledge and of possibility, her own life is a testament in living this unique blend that she is here to share with you.

Niamh defied doctor’s predictions of a long-term paralysis after developing her own method to speak with her mind and body that returned the use of her leg overnight.

Rather than continue to suffer from the effects of post-traumatic stress that was triggered through daily living she decided to face, rather than avoid, each trigger and crafted her own practices to skilfully create new associations that allowed her to recover rapidly and feel peace within herself again.

Most recently, she made the aligned choice to free-birth her child unassisted and undisturbed diligently unearthing both personal and collective fears that resided within her. Trusting whole-heartedly in her body, in birth, in her intuition and capabilities for what was to be a rite of passage in the most empowering initiation of birth.

She lives life ceremoniously, in connection with nature and Divine guidance. Her personal path this life is one of self-mastery and liberation.

By Design

For those interested in Human Design have a look at some innate abilities in Niamh’s chart that may serve you.

The Right Angle Cross of Explanation: holds the energy to deconstruct an un-serving belief to bring understanding.

Gate of Assimilation enlightens others with individual insights, and transforms the way they operate.

Gate of Higher Knowledge is an inspirational guide to others.

Gate of Insight brings the energy of awareness and knowing.

Gate of Alertness is the ability to spot trends and patterns to determine next course of action.

Gate of Realising is able to pull abstract pieces together for the transformational ‘Aha!’ moment.


“Working with Niamh has allowed me to discover a whole new dimension of my life. Masterful at helping me get out of my own way by seeing things more clearly. She has helped me to clarify questions I’ve held for a long time and has been my guide in re-writing my story. A most effective guide and thinking partner.

Andre, Canada

“Niamh helped me to move from frustration at “not having taken the right path” to gratitude for the path I have travelled and the lessons I have learned, and knowledge that I am on the right path regardless.”

Patricia, Canada

“Niamh leads in a sensitive way in self discovery and has helped me to rely on my own internal intuition first and foremost. I have learned to hear my inner voice and to release long buried emotional blockages.”

Victoria, France

“It’s been amazing and beautiful to see where I was before I found you compared to now and I can’t wait to see where I’m going to be next!  I have come so far with your knowledge and guidance”.

Leigh, USA

“I learn something about me and my journey from Niamh in every session”.

Maria, USA

Discover You Mentoring Mythological Goddess Niamh Devine


Single Mentoring Sessions are available as well as Mini-Mentoring packages of 4 sessions.

A 55 min Discover You Mentoring Session entails:

An intuitively guided beginning meditation, an open floor to explore your world as well as specific questions you might have, with custom practices to focus on between sessions to further develop what has come forward during the session.

Sessions are 1-1 with Niamh and are conducted online via Zoom.

Niamh offers personalised transformational programs meeting you where you are at in your journey, and so can include mindset, body and energetic work.

These 1-1 Mentorships unfold over 12 weeks meeting regularly on Zoom, as well as weekly audio messaging.



Lulu’s Sharing on

12 Week 1-1 Mentorship including Spiritual Guidance, TRE & Healing Energy Transmissions.

“Authentic, Powerful, Deep, Miraculous and Transformational.

Working with Niamh has actually been the greatest gift I have ever given myself. I know it sounds corny, but it’s really how I feel. She is absolutely amazing to work with.

I’ve been on my healing journey for about 10 years and I’ve done loads of different things and delved into different modalities so I was kind of expecting what has always happened. To have one or two growth steps, a bit more energy, and a little less pain but what I ended up getting exploded my expectations!

My biggest takeaway has to be experiencing the power of the body mind connection on myself. I had resigned myself to living the rest of my life in pain, in some form or another. I’d kind of taken that as my new normal, and I was ok with that and since mentoring with Niamh I have been pain free, for the first time in 9 years. Experiencing that release of pain was absolutely amazing. 

This of course has also shaped my energy, with my energy levels being way up! I had also resigned myself to thinking I would always have low energy needing to nap in the middle of the day, or even twice. So on the pain front and energy front, it has been an amazing transformation. More than I’d ever hoped for. A true miracle.

I thought the combination of mindset, TRE (Tension & Trauma release) and energy work was a very very powerful combination with all the different aspects feeding into each other. The mindset working on the practical, logical level. TRE sessions creating so much more space and energy in the body to absorb and act. And without the energy work there would have still been quite a few blindspots that would have remained hidden. It allowed deeper findings to come to the surface.

Niamh created this feeling of being on my team and being my number 1 fan. She is extremely calm and tender and created a really loving beautiful space for all my insecurities, fears and anxieties to be seen and held. I’ve uncovered a deep trust and a solid grounding resilience that I haven’t ever felt before. I’ve gained a lot of clarity in my life and on my path, and have had a huge shift in perspective. I realise the power of the narrative and can now practice it. My sleep has improved immensely. My meditation practice has evolved. I feel powerful. I feel strong. I feel calm and confident. And I also feel a newfound compassion for myself.

With the combination of weekly online sessions and audio messaging during the week you make alot of progress, and you never have to go back to pick up on stuff. With loving nudges, Niamh moves you in the direction of pure growth and you will definitely experience miracles - big and small when you work with her. I am so so so grateful. I do believe now that anything is possible. I do believe now that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. The Universe has been guiding me, supporting me, and redirecting me this whole time. Niamh has helped me create much deeper shifts than I have ever experienced with any other person that I’ve worked with.”

Lulu Ajufo ~ Energy Worker, Mentor & Healing Guide